Many dinosaurs, despite their formidable size, evolved adaptations that prioritized speed. These dinosaurs were typically ...
A series of foot tracks in southeastern China points to the discovery of a giant velociraptor relative, paleontologists ...
Fossil foot tracks uncovered in southeastern China have led to the discovery of a megaraptor dinosaur, a giant relative of ...
Most raptors stayed small, but something caused Fujianipus to grow quite large. What it was is a fascinating question ...
Footprints reveal a completely new megaraptor species, named Fujianipus yingliangi, significantly larger than pop-culture ...
A DINOSAUR has been given a new home at Oxford Children's Hospital to help bring smiles to the faces of some of county's most poorly children. The Utahraptor used to live at the Oxford University ...
The Moab Museum is introducing a project made in collaboration with experts and descendants of survivors to exhibit how ...
Different dinos were on the hunt during the Cretaceous, including the Utahraptor, a 450-kilogram, highly intelligent and incredibly fast species that probably lived in groups and may have hunted ...
Utah Hockey Club w/Utahraptor skeleton logo would be super rad. Sweaters with delicate arch. Elk logo. Wild West outlaw logo. Cougar logo, mountain goat/sheep logo. Try ‘em all on. #NHLinUtah We ...
Utahraptor, named after the state’s official dinosaur and home to more bones than Dinosaur National Monument. Book it: Bon Voyage (0800 316 3012; has a 12-night Utah Walking ...