In a letter to Washington, a portion of New Mexico’s congressional delegation urged U.S Customs and Border Protection and the ...
Most districts in the House, 379 of the 435, have exclusively backed nominees from only one of the major parties in presidential elections since 2008.— This leaves 56 districts that have voted at ...
The U.S. is warning that Israel will be dealing a strategic victory to Hamas if it carries through with plans for an all-out ...
Barron Trump’s role as a delegate at the Republican National Convention will be a marked change from the past eight years.
this is Donald Trump’s party right now and the likely president of the United States just signaled to voters who his favorite ...
Ohio was one of three states that had warned the Democratic Party that Mr. Biden could be left off the ballot because the ...
A tie in the Electoral College in November is a very real possibility — and it could even end with a new President Trump and ...
Lawmakers in Ohio have failed to come to an agreement on adjusting a state election deadline that stands to prevent President ...
The idea that some people in the legislature are prepared to hold out and wait until some court tells them to do their job is ...
After he graduates from high school next week, Barron Trump will assume his role as a Florida delegate to the Republican ...
This is the text of the speech delivered by Andy Thompson, an IYSSE member in the US, to the 2024 International May Day ...