Saltmarsh caterpillars can be found almost anywhere in central Texas and one entomologist speaks on how the insect can cause ...
Check out these black fuzzy caterpillars taking over Houston! 🐛🌱 Despite their intimidating appearance, they are not ...
They answered that it's likely a saltmarsh caterpillar, which would make sense because they tell us they're VERY plentiful right now. The name comes from the type of grass they like to chow down on.
Coon has seen woolly worms at his home in Rockport, but not at Memorial Park where he rides his bike and walks his dog. “When ...
Two common species of woollybear caterpillars found in Texas are the saltmarsh caterpillar and the garden tiger moth caterpillar. The saltmarsh caterpillar ranges in color from black to brown to ...
Two types of woolly bear caterpillars that can be found in Texas are the saltmarsh caterpillar and the garden tiger moth caterpillar. The saltmarsh caterpillar can vary in color from black to ...