Commonly confused for their venomous cousin — the centipede — millipedes are relatively harmless arthropods. They don't bite ...
Millipedes can be up to 1-1/2-inches long and have two pairs of legs on each body segment. They are brown to black, and like ...
The lesser giant millipede was first discovered on a tree plantation in 1996, Enghoff wrote, in the Mufindi highlands of ...
A GARDENER’S overnight potato soak has people swearing off homegrown spuds. Horrified viewers were shocked by what emerged ...
It doesn’t need to be ingested, either. It’ll stick to them and is most effective in ants, slugs, millipedes and woodlice.
“The Ellett Valley millipede exists nowhere else in the world, and the species urgently needs federal protection.” Millipedes were one of the first animals to breathe atmospheric oxygen, and they have ...
The event featured Suncoast Remake Learning Days activities hosted by nonprofits from across Sarasota, a tree giveaway by the ...
Bees and the rest of class Insecta need you. Here’s how to build bug mansions on your balcony or in your backyard. The best ...
In the D.C. area and looking for something fun to do with the kids this weekend? Here are our top picks.
When you think of the acronym STEM, you likely know it stands for science, technology, engineering and math. But does it make ...
Henrik Enghoff, a researcher with the Natural History Museum of Denmark, has been sifting through specimens of millipedes collected nearly 30 years ago, McClatchy News reported. In December ...