A female Hessian fly dangles from a cardboard box. Fly larvae can decimate entire wheat fields by causing growth-stunting galls on seedlings. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible ...
Rainfall and warmer nighttime temperatures in many Texas hay production regions have sparked forage growth. Learn more about ...
Hessian fly larvae that have consumed snowdrop lectin with an artificial diet (left) are less developed than those given a control diet (right). Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not ...
Despite record low hay inventories in Texas in 2023, prospects for higher yields this hay season are being fueled by heavy rainfall.
Potatoes immune to wart disease, beans resistant to anthracnose, wheat resistant to rust, vines resistant to Phylloxera, and wheat, barley, and oats resistant to Hessian fly, eelworm, and frit fly ...
Colorado State University Extension has planned 11 wheat field days June 6 to 7 and June 11 to 12. Locations include Walsh, Lamar, Brandon, Burlington, Genoa, Orchard, Severance, Akron, Yuma ...